The federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) helps low- and no-income U.S. residents buy food.

Those enrolled in SNAP may also qualify for SUN Bucks—a program that runs throughout the summer to provide additional funds for groceries to households with children. Learn more about this program and see if you qualify.

U.S. customers can pay for online orders with a valid Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card, in full or in part. You can use your EBT card at any participating retailer, as long as the state that issued your EBT card is currently participating in the SNAP Online Purchasing Pilot. Currently, Instacart accepts SNAP & SUN Bucks, but can’t accept EBT cash.

If you can’t use your EBT card at a retailer that accepts EBT, you may need to update the Instacart app.

View participating EBT SNAP retailers and states on the Instacart platform.

Check your SNAP eligibility

Find out if you could be eligible for SNAP through a less than 2 minute eligibility screener. Note, this screener is not an application for benefits.

Add EBT card to Instacart account

In the app—

  1. Tap the Account icon.
  2. Tap Settings.
  3. Tap EBT SNAP under Payment Methods.
  4. Tap Add EBT SNAP card.
  5. Tap Add next to EBT SNAP.
  6. Enter the first name, last name, and card number on the EBT card.
  7. Re-enter card number to confirm.
  8. Tap Save.

On the website—

  1. Click the 3 horizontal lines in the upper left corner.
  2. Click Your account settings.
  3. Click Add EBT SNAP card under EBT SNAP settings.
  4. Click Add next to EBT SNAP card.
  5. Enter the first name, last name, and card number on the EBT card.
  6. Click Save.

You can only save 1 EBT card to your account. If you need to change your EBT card, remove the first one before adding another.

Note: You must also add a credit or debit card to your Instacart account to use your EBT card. 

Your credit or debit card covers fees, bottle deposits in some states, taxes, delivery tips, and any other non-EBT eligible items you may want to purchase. 

Go to Updating your payment methods for help adding a credit or debit card to your Instacart account.

Remove EBT card from Instacart account


  1. Tap the Account icon.
  2. Tap Settings.
  3. Tap EBT SNAP under Payment methods.
  4. Tap the pencil icon in the upper right corner.
  5. Tap the red minus icon next to your EBT card.
  6. Tap Delete.
  7. Tap OK to confirm.

On the website—

  1. Click the 3 horizontal lines in the upper left corner.
  2. Click Your account settings.
  3. Click Payment methods.
  4. Click Delete next to your EBT SNAP card.
  5. Click Delete again to confirm.